Who is currently eligible for lung cancer screenings?
The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force recommends yearly lung cancer screenings with low-dose CT scans for people who have a history of heavy smoking and currently smoke, or have quit within the past 15 years, and are between 55 and 80 years old.
Call your doctor to see if you are eligible. To read more about who should be screened for lung cancer CLICK HERE.
If I do not smoke am I also at risk for getting lung cancer?
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers and there are varying factors that can play a role in your overall lung health and risk of developing the disease. Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer. Click below to understand more about radon levels in your area, early symptoms of lung cancer, and other risk factors. Do not ever delay in seeking medical attention, early intervention can make all the difference in your overall survival. If you feel something is just not right and you want to continue to seek answers, a second opinon is always an option in being your own best health advocate.

United Voices - Kentucky
Kentucky Lung Cancer survivors speak out to raise awareness that anyone can get lung cancer in an effort to help erase the stigma. Their lives tell a different story than how you may view lung cancer.
Have you Ever Thought that Much About Lung Cancer?
This journey did not start out easy and my recurrence this summer placed a small bump in the road along the way; however, there have been many positive and rewarding pieces of my journey with the most important one being all of the amazing fellow survivors and families who have lost loved ones to this disease I have met along the way! Keep on helping me raise awareness about this deadly cancer...your support and voice does make a difference in this fight!
United Voices 2020
Most survivors are told from the time of their diagnosis there is no cure for the stage of their disease, so they must rely on advancements in treatments and medicine for the rest of their lives. That comes with its own set of challenges because lung cancer remains one of the lowest federally funded cancers, despite being the deadliest. This awareness is necessary for progress to happen. Help us erase the stigma so we can move towards increasing survival rates of lung cancer.
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Stories of Survival
Real People. Real Stories. Our Breath of Hope.
Most people don’t even know what radon is. Lindi had no idea her young lungs were vulnerable growing up in a home w/ high levels of radon and second hand smoke. Her valuable warning to others that anyone can get lung cancer even if you’ve never smoked! #ylci #anyonewithlungs pic.twitter.com/Nq1Gf0vk2O
— Breath of Hope Kentucky (@breathofhopeky) March 6, 2024